Ms. Hill oversees all managed care measurement and performance improvement activities at IPRO, including clinical studies, case review, audit and validation services and satisfaction surveys. As Vice President, Managed Care, she currently manages IPRO’s external quality review contracts in Pennsylvania, New York, Kentucky, Rhode Island, and Nebraska, and Medicare managed care projects.
Ms. Hill served on the CMS expert panel that advised on and contributed to the development of the mandatory and optional EQR protocols established in the Department of Health and Human Services’ final EQR rules. She also served on NCQA’s HEDIS® Users Group, providing comments and recommendations related to HEDIS development.
HEDIS® is a registered trademark of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).
Across nearly 100 state and federal programs in 32 states, IPRO makes creative use of clinical expertise, emerging technology and data solutions to make the healthcare system work better.
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Success, NY 11042-1072
Phone: 516-326-776
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