From New York State, with among the nation’s highest percentage of Medicaid enrollees, to North Dakota, which has among the lowest, IPRO helps ensure that the quality of care provided to Medicaid Managed Care enrollees meets established standards. Beyond serving as the External Quality Review Organization (EQRO) in 11 states, IPRO, through its Center for Program Evaluation and Center for Performance Measurement, works with state Departments of Health to design and implement performance improvement projects (PIPs), create condition specific registries and public reporting portals, and more.
Across nearly 100 state and federal programs in 32 states, IPRO makes creative use of clinical expertise, emerging technology and data solutions to make the healthcare system work better.
1979 Marcus Avenue Lake
Success, NY 11042-1072
Phone: 516-326-776
Toll Free: 800-852-3685
Fax: 516-328-2310
TTY: 800-662-1220 or 711