Work with IPRO to develop, implement and maintain transparent, accessible quality measurement reporting tools. These tailor-made tools will meet your legislative and administrative requirements, while remaining user-friendly, cost-effective, and compliant with accessibility law.
Our properties include,, as well as numerous state and regional report cards and transparency initiatives.
Our experienced team of health care and information professionals recently:
- Produced a multi-setting, multi-state health-care report card
- Built a comprehensive public profiling and comparison tool for state hospitals, nursing homes and home health agencies
- Created a purchaser-oriented report card of more than 20 health plans, print and Web
Illinois Hospital Report Card and Consumer Guide to Health Care
Consumer focused online Report card profiling hospitals and ambulatory surgical treatment centers in the state of Illinois, including comparative quality, outcomes and charge data.
Why Not The Best
4500 hospitals, 40+ measures, charted over four years’ worth of data. Each measure is dynamically linked to improvement tools and case studies.
View our Portfolio to see more of our projects and learn more about what we do