Our expertise is as varied as our workforce, which includes more than 300 professionals who bring their own skills and experience to healthcare quality improvement. We bring clinical, administrative, data analytics, and advanced technology perspectives to your project.
IPRO works with more than 150 managed care plans (MCPs) across the country, performing the full breadth of mandatory and optional EQR activities and providing innovative solutions and best practices to help our state clients monitor and improve MCP performance.
Work with IPRO to develop, implement and maintain transparent, accessible quality measurement reporting tools. These tailor-made tools will meet your legislative and administrative requirements, while remaining user-friendly, cost-effective, and compliant with accessibility law.
IPRO has performed tens of thousands of reviews for medical necessity and appropriateness and has extensive experience handling appeals of denial of care and payment. IPRO makes objective determinations on appeals covering the full range of disputes among enrollees, providers and health plans such as eligibility, contract interpretation, medical necessity and experimental/investigational treatment.
With the continued threat of COVID-19 variants, monkeypox and other emerging infectious-disease risks, IPRO and the Home Care Association of New York State (HCA) are working together under a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-led project to bring critical infection-control education to frontline healthcare staff in New York State. Project Firstline is supported by Health Research Inc. (HRI), the corporation that administers funding to further public health goals of the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) and other entities.
Across nearly 100 state and federal programs in 32 states, IPRO makes creative use of clinical expertise, emerging technology and data solutions to make the healthcare system work better.
1979 Marcus Avenue Lake
Success, NY 11042-1072
Phone: 516-326-776
Toll Free: 800-852-3685
Fax: 516-328-2310
TTY: 800-662-1220 or 711