Dr. Edison Machado is a doctor of internal medicine with more than a decade of experience as a healthcare performance measurement and improvement executive. He serves as Senior Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer for IPRO. In this capacity Dr. Machado leads IPRO’s Solutions Group which includes corporate strategy, business development, proposal solutions, corporate quality management, and communications solutions. He previously served as the Clinical Project Lead for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) Episode Grouper for Medicare project under subcontract to Brandeis University team and currently acts as IPRO’s CMS Measures and Instrument Development and Support (MIDS) IDIQ lead.
Dr. Machado is an expert advisor to federal and state governments and has served on numerous advisory committees including the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Physician Cost Measures and Patient Relationship Codes (PCMP) Technical Expert Panel (TEP), CMS MACRA Episode Care Groups and Resource Use Measures TEP, the NYS DOH’s Chronic Heart, Pulmonary, and Diabetes Value Based Payment Clinical Advisory Group, the URAC Measures Advisory and Research Group (Chair), the NQF Attribution Multi-stakeholder Committee for the Attribution: Principles and Approaches Project, and the NQF’s Measures Feedback Loop Committee (Co-Chair).
Prior to his current role with IPRO, Dr. Machado worked as Senior Director in the Strategic Partnerships Department at National Quality Forum. While at NQF, he directed projects related to uses of healthcare performance measurement information for payment incentives, public reporting, accreditation and certification, workforce education, and systems improvement.
Dr. Machado received his undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences from Cornell University and earned both Doctor of Medicine and Master of Business Administration degrees from Yale University. Dr. Machado undertook his clinical training in internal medicine at New York Presbyterian-Weill Cornell Medical Center.