When COVID-19 struck, IPRO took on a critical role in educating providers to help protect their patients and healthcare workers.
IPRO’s multi-pronged and ongoing approach includes:
For additional information, contact Edison Machado, Jr., MD, MBA, Sr. Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer at emachado@ipro.org.
IPRO’s Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO) infection control team is the hub of the organization’s COVID-19 response for nursing homes and community coalitions. Specific activities include:
As part of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) National Nursing Home COVID-19 Action Network, IPRO provides technical assistance, training and mentorship to support nursing home staff in implementing evidence-based infection prevention and safety practices. Activities include:
IPRO collaborated in a study undertaken by researchers at the University at SUNY Albany School of Public Health, the New York State Department of Health (NYS DOH), and SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, that examined mortality among hospitalized COVID-19 patients treated at 25 New York metropolitan area hospitals. IPRO designed and developed the study data collection process, which included creating a data collection tool and conducting data abstraction of hundreds of medical records over a three-week period. The study, co-authored by IPRO staff, was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), and showed that hospitalized COVID-19 patients receiving hydroxychloroquine and/or azithromycin fared no better than patients receiving neither drug.
IPRO continues its work with the NYS DOH on additional COVID-19-related projects including:
Using real-time vaccination data available through the CDC’s NHSN system and the CDC Tracker, the IPRO QIN-QIO provides targeted technical assistance to nursing homes and community coalitions to improve COVID-19 vaccination rates by:
IPRO, as a Hospital Quality Improvement Contractor, works with approximately 270 hospitals across a 12-state region to enhance emergency preparedness plans and systems, improve infection prevention and control and increase Covid-19 vaccine confidence and uptake by:
IPRO’s ESRD Network Program provides educational and technical assistance to support dialysis facilities and patients.
IPRO tactically placed emergency responder staff into New York State’s response framework. IPRO staff served in various roles at New York City’s Jacob Javits Center alternate care site to:
The COVID-19 Dashboard was used to manage response operations.
Across nearly 100 state and federal programs in 32 states, IPRO makes creative use of clinical expertise, emerging technology and data solutions to make the healthcare system work better.
1979 Marcus Avenue Lake
Success, NY 11042-1072
Phone: 516-326-776
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Fax: 516-328-2310
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